
Showing posts from August, 2022

“I felt a Funeral in My Brain” - Emily Dickerson

 Today, we analyzed this poem by Emily Dickerson called, “I felt a Funeral in my Brain”. This poem was phenomenal and I truly enjoyed the reciting of it on YouTube by the 11th grader. This was an emotional poem and used a lot of language that, at first, I didn’t understand but now I do. Then we reflected on one time we almost went insane like Emily Dickerson. There were a lot of times like this in my life but I got through it thanks to my sane conscience. 


 I was absent.

Science Tingz

 In my opinion, I think the probability of life outside of Earth is possible because I think something out there even if it is a little creature, is living on another planet. My reaction to seeing the image of Earth from Mars was just wowing because it was so little. Hearing the black hole didn’t surprise me. I kind of imagined  it sounding like that just by the look. This makes me realize that we are so much smaller than we think we are. 

11 sentence story


Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

 If I was trying to convince Mr. Rease to give our class a free day, through logos, ethos, and pathos, I would start with logos. For logos I would say that we have been working really hard and we deserve a break because of the hard work and dedication. Then, for ethos I would state that I have credibility of being a student in his class just as well as everyone else in my class. So, that means that I know what we have been doing in class and if we’ve been a good class. Lastly, for pathos I would say that we are really tired today and this would be our only day to talk to our friends and do things that we can’t do on a regular class day. Also, we promise that we would get back to work on Monday and be ready to learn.

Native American Literature

 Today we came in class and started on our bell ringer on a short film called “A Social Life”. After we talked about that moral we moved on to learning about Native American Literature. We started off by talking about myths. A myth is a traditional story that is known to be untrue. We then talked about legends. A legend is a traditional story that is unproven. We discussed common themes in Native American literature like, living in harmony with the natural world etc. Next, we started to read “Navajo Creation” and I was so sleepy but I stayed up through it and analyzed with the class. 

Unpopular Opinions

 Today we came in and started working on our bell ringer. It was a short film on pretty much being yourself and to not hide your true identity. After we discussed that we talked about unpopular opinions. My unpopular opinion was to normalize telling people they smell bad. I definitely agree with this because sometimes the person might not always know and saying this, in a nice way, may help them and other out. Unfortunately I did not get to share because when the spinner chose my name it was time for dismissal. Nevertheless, class was great as always.


Today was a great day! We talked about arguments and claims. I learned that everything is an argument or can be argued. An argument is an opinion supported by evidence. We also talked about claims and a claim is an opinion that can be argued. There are also types of claims. The first type of claim is called a claim of fact. This asserts that something is true or not true. The second type of claim is claim of value. This argues that something is good or bad. The last type of claim is claim of policy. This is anytime you propose a change.


 This video Conveys a message of standing up for what you truly believe in. The boy that kept going back-and-forth with the teacher did not go with the majority of the class. Instead he chose to speak up. This shows leader ship compassion and passion. He was not afraid to be the odd one out.

My Purpose

 I believe my purpose is to entertain. I love to act, sing, dance, and play instruments since a young age. I’ve also been told I am funny, so that is also a form of entertainment. Either way I know I am going to end up in that field when I grow up. Entertainment is my purpose.

Effort is everything- Craig

 Hi, today in class we starting off with a Ted Talk by Arel Moodie. He was a very good speaker and he spoke on how one may not need talent or to be smart to be successful. But, you may need a right amount of effort. Then we talked about informal and formal language. I grasped that informal language entails slang, wrong punctuation, contractions, simple sentences, and everyday words and expressions. Formal language contains sophisticated vocabulary, no slang, no contractions, complex sentence structures, and standard punctuation. I pretty much knew this topic except for the contractions. That was something new to me. In short, it was a pretty good lesson and I look forward to the next one.


 Hi, My name is Chloe Craig. I am 16 years old. I attend Cedar Grove High School. I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I like to play in the band at school, go skating, talk to my friends, eat, watch tv, and play drum set, listen to music, and play games on my Xbox with friends. The first academic goal I would like to achieve this year is to pass with all A’s and B’s. The second goal is to be one of the class’ best writers. The third goal is to get an A in my pre-calculus class. I tend to only get B’s in Math classes, so this year I will try to get an A.