
Showing posts from November, 2022


 Today was cool. We came in the class and logged into illuminate so we could start working on our first paragraph of our narrative. Personally, I don’t like narratives but I know we have to. The narratives are pretty easy when we did the outline like you told us and then after that I filled it up with details. Great class today!


Today I was so tired. I was really unmotivated to do any work but I still did it so I don’t get behind. The walk-through for the essay is pretty boring to me because I know the guideline for a good essay. But, I know I have to listen and pay attention for others. Overall, it was a good class.


 Monday we came in and did a bell ringer. I liked this bell ringer because it was about our opinion on if who would we change the dollar bill faces to if we had chose. I chose Martin Luther King Jr. or Harriet Tubman because of their accomplishments and because they were black. Then we did a writing task on how to write our essay. It basically just laid out how to form an excellent essay. Then it was pretty much time to go.


 Today we shared our poems and mines was the only one that rhymed so I felt special. Everyone’s poems were great. I enjoyed them. After that we read some more of  “The Color Purple” and this section of Celie’s letters talked about her feelings towards Shug Avery. We stopped at letter 35. This was a great last day!




 Yesterday, we read more of  “The Color Purple” and I got to see more of Celie’s thoughts. After the reading we had to take a line or quote and make a poem based on it. I started on that and finished at home. But, yesterday was a pretty good day.


 Wednesday, I came in class and asked for the log in to finish the benchmark. Once I logged in I was lazy and extremely tired. I did like 1 response and submitted and logged in with the rest of the class so I can catch up on the book and the notes. We wrote several themes that our class made together on illuminate and submitted that. I was so ready to go.


 Tuesday, I took the beginning of the benchmark sense I was absent on Monday. The multiple choice was pretty easy but I took my time so I could make sure I agreed with my answer. After I stopped at about 17 it was about time to go. I knew I had tomorrow to finish the responses so I submitted and left.


 I was absent but I heard that you guys did an assessment.


 Friday I had a basketball game so that’s all I could focus on. But, I did my “3, 2, 1” on the other group and then I had to leave at 2:00 for AP discussion about our classes and AP tests we would like to take. Then we came back and finished the group’s presentation and then it was about to go. I loved this activity and how it was set up. Group projects are always fun to me.


 Thursday, it was my group’s so turn to present our letter. We did really great. Our themes made a lot of sense because of our evidence and Mr. Reese didn’t have to correct us a whole lot. After our presentation, I did a “3, 2, 1” on the other group’s presentation and it was about time to go after 2 other groups presented. I actually like this activity.


 Today group 3,5, and 7 presented their letter analysis to the class. I enjoyed everyone’s presentation. They were very efficient and entertaining. I like how everyone did their job. It was a good 4th block.


 I was absent.


 I was absent.


 Tuesday, we came in class and logged on to illuminate so we could take notes on our discussion questions about the first 5 letters we read out of the book. They were good critical questions I was just ready to go home because I was ready to get dressed for my coronation after school. I couldn’t focus like I wanted to because I was worried about my makeup artist being on time. I still did the responses though. Besides that I enjoyed talking about the first 5 letters.


 Monday we came in and I saw “The Color Purple” on our desks. I got very excited because I seen most of the movie and thought it was an excellent story. When we started reading it I was so concerned for Celie once again, because of how she was being treated by her Father. We read 5 of her letters to God and by then class was about over. I hate reading books like these because my feelings get so hurt like I was actually there. Overall, Monday was a great day.