
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Color Purple Notes


Bell ringer: Letter



 On Friday we took the assessment on “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”. I did pretty decent on the test. I could’ve done better I wasn’t taking it that seriously, to be honest. I was just ready to go home. But I still passed it. The questions were not that hard I just should’ve did the process of elimination on EVERY question but I didn’t. I still did good though. I was happy there no constructed response because I was tired. But it was a good Friday in your class.


 In 4th block we played a Kahoot on the story that we were going to take an assessment on, on Friday. I did pretty good on it. It was so fun I really think we should do Kahoot more in your class before an assessment. I like that you explain the answers after the question is done. It helps me retain information.


 Wednesday I woke up late, gladly I made the bus. But, once I got to 4th period we started to talk about “The Life You May Save May Be Your Own”. We previously wrote down discussion questions. I answered number 4 of what I think a man is. I think a man is someone that is concerned for everyone close them and can provide for his immediate family. Overall I liked this book and how you introduced it to us.


 Today, we entered class and finished the story from yesterday. Then we watched a student film on it. The film was hilarious and very creative. After the film we had a little break thanks to Mr. Rease because we were taking our vocabulary test at 2:30. The test was super easy! I think I did very well on the definition section. The example section was pretty easy but I probably missed like one or two. However, it was a good day in Mr. Reader’s class.


 Yesterday, we came in and starting reading “The Life You Say May Be Your Own.” I learned characters like Mr. Shiftlet, Lucynell, and her daughter, Lucynell. I saw how Lucynell’s Mother was trying to get Mr. Shiftlet to marry her daughter. When we got to that part of the story, it was pretty much time to go home. It’s a pretty good story though.


 Today, I came in and then I saw illuminate on the screen. I immediately thought we were taking a benchmark. I hate illuminate benchmarks because they are super long and they usually require you to write an essay at the end. For me, I was ready to go home, so I was disappointed at first. Then, you told us it was an assessment for what we learned all week. I felt better about that because I know that we’ve been discussing citing evidence. I believe I did very well on it. 


 Thursday we had a discussion about Virtual Reality before we read our article. We watched a video about the meta verse. In my opinion, the Meta verse seems cool but it has its pros and cons. The article talked about how many people that are on virtual simulations right now. In all, it was a learning filled day, like always.


 Today I came in really ready to go. I was so tired. But I  completed the bell ringer and the argument essay notes. The notes were pretty boring to me but again I was tired. It was pretty chill though.


 I was absent.


 Monday it was my birthday. Plenty people were sick so many students were absent. But, I came in your class and we basically read an article called, “Teens Are in No Rush to Drive”. This was a good article because it stated facts about how teens nowadays don’t drive or have their license yet. Then we answered questions and had our daily discussion. It was a cool block.


 On Friday, we came to you first period and did our benchmark. It was pretty boring and I was slightly mad about it. Furthermore, I pulled through and finished it. I think I did pretty okay on it. I did not put my full effort into it to be honest but I did a decent job. Then we I finished it was about time to leave for next period. A pretty chill day though, if you ask me.


 Today we read another poem called, “Birches” by Robert Frost. I kind of liked this poem because it reminded me of the carefree times in my life. Like certain games I used to play with my family.


 Yesterday, we read and annotated, “I Too” by Langston Hughes. I loved this poem because it showed perseverance and how he kept going. It was a good poem and I think I will never forget it. It was a good class though.


 Today we came in and did a bell ringer. I loved today’s bell ringer because I could relate really well. I read the best advice my Mom gave me. Which was basically that people lie, therefore don’t believe what anyone says. Then we went over a poem by Langston Hughes. I liked this poem because it refers to a crystal stair as a clear path. And basically his journey wasn’t smooth but with tacts in it and other hardships. And spite, he persevered because life was no crystal stair. We then left early for PSAT schedule at 2:20.

My Poems



 Today in class we watched “Fences”. The movie was very well directed and the actors were good. Viola Davis played Rose so well, in my opinion. I wrote how Viola Davis helped bringing the character alive by her sympathy and her passion. I wrote 10 things that was different from the book. The main difference to me was when Troy knocked over the dishes before going to Taylor’s. In the book I didn’t feel like Troy was that disappointed until he did that. Moreover, I loved the movie. It was a chill period.


 We came in today and read the rest of “Fences”. The ending was kind of lame to me but it was okay. I’m glad we are watching the film tomorrow. I’m so excited to see it! Overall I liked the book. It was a good day today.